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garden party 游園會。

The program included a “ garden party of love , “ tickets for which were given free to disabled persons . there were free health check ups , a blood donation clinic , disaster and fire alarm exercises , information and demonstrations about garbage recycling and material recycle operations , et cetera 其活動項目包括了愛心園游會免費致贈殘障人士園游券健康義診捐血活動防災防火避難逃生演練廢棄物再利用示范教學暨資源回收活動等等,吸引很多人潮前往叁觀。

“ in this fog ? “ asked touchstone . “ how can he have a garden party ? “在這樣的霧里? ”塔奇斯頓問到: “他怎么能舉行游園會? ”

The program included a “ garden party of love , “ tickets for which were given free to disabled persons . there were free health check ups , a blood donation clinic , disaster and fire alarm exercises , information and demonstrations about garbage recycling and material recycle operations , et cetera 其活動項目包括了愛心園游會免費致贈殘障人士園游券健康義診捐血活動防災防火避難逃生演練廢棄物再利用示范教學暨資源回收活動等等,吸引很多人潮前往叁觀。

“ in this fog ? “ asked touchstone . “ how can he have a garden party ? “在這樣的霧里? ”塔奇斯頓問到: “他怎么能舉行游園會? ”

garden plant

The lawn tennis championships at wimbledon have developed from the garden party atmosphere of the first meeting in 1877 , witnessed by a few hundred spectators , to a highly professional tournament attracting an attendance of over 500 , 000 people and , through the press , radio , internet and television , a following of millions throughout the world 溫布爾登草地網球錦標賽在1877年舉辦第1屆時只有區區幾百人觀看,而現在,它已經發展成為具有極高專業水平的比賽,吸引了50多萬名現場觀眾及通過新聞、廣播、互聯網和電視觀看比賽的世界各地數百萬名愛好者。

There were retreat utensils specially designed for quan yin practitioners , who found them just right for their purposes . a collection of classic and elegant cotton costumes also attracted many tasteful people . all these wonderful booths made the garden party a very crowded and colorful event 此外,還有以天壺泡茶,分享大眾的美事許多喜愛師父作品的人,在天衣天飾展示處流連忘返為觀音修行人特別設計的打禪相關用品,滿足很多人的需要具民族風味的純棉服飾,古典優雅,也吸引不少品味者,攤位多采多姿,園游會熱鬧非凡。

The program included a “ garden party of love , “ tickets for which were given free to disabled persons . there were free health check ups , a blood donation clinic , disaster and fire alarm exercises , information and demonstrations about garbage recycling and material recycle operations , et cetera 其活動項目包括了愛心園游會免費致贈殘障人士園游券健康義診捐血活動防災防火避難逃生演練廢棄物再利用示范教學暨資源回收活動等等,吸引很多人潮前往叁觀。

To celebrate the accession of 10 new member states into the european union family , the czech and slovak embassies played may day host to an official flag raising ceremony and afternoon garden party 二零零四年五月一日,捷克使館和斯洛伐克使館舉行了升旗儀式,標志著十個新成員國正式加入歐盟,隨后在使館院內舉行了花園宴會。

Finally , after the garden party and the celebration , the international students got the first prize of the vending area decoration competition and got nt 5000 dollars 在園游會及慶祝活動結束后,國際學生們也在此次的攤位布置競賽中獲得第一名,并奪得五千元的獎金。

If you are coming to the garden party , please try to be a bit more cheerful . i don ' t want you standing around looking like a wet weekend 如果你來參加游園會的話,請盡量高興一點,我希望你不要愁眉苦臉地閑站在那兒。

After the performances , a garden party featuring delicious vegetarian food , which had been long awaited by many , finally began 表演結束后,眾人期待已久的園游會終于正式開鑼,美味可口的素食佳肴讓大家一飽口福。

I ' ve declined the invitation to the royal garden party : i ' d just be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people 我已謝絕參加皇家游園會的邀請,同那些顯赫要人在一起,我覺得實在格格不入。

Organized a vegetarian garden party to provide free meals to the poor . money , winter clothes , and free medical services B另外素食園游會招待孤苦贈送慰問金御寒衣物及免費義診

A garden party featuring delicious vegetarian food , which had been long awaited by many , finally started at eleven o clock 眾人期待的美食園游會,終于在十一點鐘準時開鑼了!

It was hard to believe the fuss of the wedding garden party took place here only an hour earlier 真難想象,僅僅一小時以前,這里還是一片婚禮花園派對的熱鬧非凡。

At the garden party the guests seemed to be dressed in all the colours of the rainbow 在園會上,客人們看上去穿得五彩繽紛的衣裳。

“ in this fog ? “ asked touchstone . “ how can he have a garden party ? “在這樣的霧里? ”塔奇斯頓問到: “他怎么能舉行游園會? ”

A very popular garden party 熱鬧非凡的園游會

What a shame ( that ) it rained on the day of your garden party 多可惜啊,你開游園會那天下雨了!